

  • Animal Care Management
  • EPSCoR
  • Gund Institute for Environment
  • Instrumentation and Technical Services
  • Office of Engagement
  • Research Development
  • Research Integrity & Administr
  • Research Protections Office
  • Sponsored Project Admin
  • UVM Innovations
  • Vermont Genetics
  • VT Advanced Computing Center

IE Action Plan Goal Type

  • Physical Accessibility

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • 1
  • OVPR_PhysicalAccessibilityGoal_1

Goal Description

  • N/A for home workers, noted that there are ramps for offices in Waterman and other buildings. For working in the animal care facilities, it is required that one be able to bend, lift up to 50 lbs., and these are requirements. This is stated in hiring documentation when people apply; however, while it would be difficult to fulfill the job responsibilities if dealing with a physical disability, the Director was open to considering all options to make this possible.

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