
  • ETS

IE Action Plan Goal Type

  • Professional and Faculty Development

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • ETS Improve Connection #3 - Onboarding

Goal Description

Program Contact

Type Of Program

  • Professional and Faculty Development


  • Staff


Goal Beginning Year

  • 2024

Goal End Year

  • 2025

Goal Status

  • Active

Additional Text

  • Clear and consistent onboarding practices are crucial to a sense of belonging felt by staff. Through the development of inclusive onboarding practices, ETS will be able to quickly foster strong working relationships between new hires and long-time UVM staff members, as well as making those new ETS members feel that they have a place here. Additionally, by offering an internal mentoring program for new hires and new ETS members, those staff will have a person who they can turn to, aside from their direct supervisor, to ask questions or just have a conversation about how things are going. By implementing both a strong onboarding process and a well-structured mentoring program, we can kickstart new UVM staff members’ sense of belonging and feelings of connectedness, both to ETS and the wider UVM community.

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