
  • ETS

IE Action Plan Goal Type

  • Professional & Faculty Development_subgoal

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • ETS Improve Connection #2 - Professional Development

Goal Description

Program Contact

Type Of Program

  • Professional & Faculty Development_subgoal


  • Staff


Goal Beginning Year

  • 2023

Goal End Year

  • 2030

Goal Status

  • In Progress

Additional Text

  • Professional development plans introduce a measure of accountability for knowledge development and maintenance that is shared by supervisors and supervisees. The benefits to the University are obvious - training should improve employee performance and drives innovative practices in IT. It also has knock-on effects related to equity and inclusion goals. By supporting professional development in a systematic way, UVM demonstrates an investment in the employee and a long-term commitment to their success. This visible sign of support and commitment fosters a sense of being valued and a greater sense of one's role in the success of ETS' mission.

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