CESS_2022 Camp Climate Survey Data_1.4


  • CESS

IE Action Plan Goal Type

  • Campus Climate

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • 1.4
  • CESS_2022 Camp Climate Survey Data_1.4

Goal Description

  • Focus on creating a college climate that embodies Our Common Ground, as indicated by the Campus Climate Survey.

Program Contact

Type Of Program

  • Campus Climate


Goal Beginning Year

  • 2023

Goal End Year

  • 2025

Additional Text

  • Time Frame: In Spring 2025, increase the percentage of CESS student respondents who answer either Good or Excellent by 10% for each principle of Our Common Ground. Continue to assess with each Campus Climate Survey cycle.

Campus Climate Data

B03-On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent, please assess how well the climate of your department/college upholds the principles of Our Common Ground.

Additional Text

Time Frame: In Spring 2025, increase the percentage of CESS student respondents who answer either Good or Excellent by 10% for each principle of Our Common Ground. Continue to assess with each Campus Climate Survey cycle.

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