CESS_2022 Camp Climate Survey Data_1.1


  • CESS

IE Action Plan Goal Type

  • Campus Climate

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • 1.1
  • CESS_2022 Camp Climate Survey Data_1.1

Goal Description

  • Ensure that students and staff in CESS know how to report bias incidents.

Program Contact

  • Office for Finance and Administration and Dean’s Office

Type Of Program

  • Campus Climate


Goal Beginning Year

  • 2023

Additional Text

  • Time Frame: By December 2023 invite staff from AAEO to provide training to CESS Leadership team on bias incident training. Annually increase the percentage of individuals who indicate that they know how to report a bias incident by 10%.

Campus Climate Data

D01-Are you aware of the protocol for reporting a bias incident at the University of Vermont?

Additional Text

Time Frame: By December 2023 invite staff from AAEO to provide training to CESS Leadership team on bias incident training. Annually increase the percentage of individuals who indicate that they know how to report a bias incident by 10%.

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