CESS_Academic Success & CoCurricular_2.3


  • CESS
  • Academic Success & Co Curricular
  • Recruitment and Retention
  • Academic Success & Co Curricular
  • Recruitment and Retention
  • 3

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • CESS_Academic Success & CoCurricular_2.3

Goal Description

  • Improve retention, progression, and graduation rates for undergraduate and graduate individuals often excluded from higher education. Look at Catamount Data and committee data to include concrete numbers for benchmarks and goals. And disaggregate by identity if possible.

Program Contact

  • Office of Assessment, Data, and Accreditation and Office of Student Services

Goal Beginning Year

  • 2023

Additional Information

  • OADA - collect and organize the data (or pull reports from Catamount Data). OSS – Collect data on effectiveness of CommuniTea and BIPOC spaces. Time Frame: Evaluate annually. entrytest

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