Division of Student Affairs IE Plan Background


  • College/Unit: Student Affairs
  • IE Action Plan Category: Background
  • Title of Plan: Division of Student Affairs IE Plan
  • The Division of Student Affairs (DOSA) is committed to inclusive excellence and upholding the values of racial and social justice. For over 15 years, DOSA has intentionally worked to increase racial, gender, and sexual orientation diversity within the division’s professional staff and leadership, as well as improve the experiences of historically marginalized groups across campus. This 2023-2028 Inclusive Excellence Action plan was developed in alignment with the University of Vermont’s strategic goal to “build a diverse and globally aware university community sustained by an inclusive, supportive, and just campus climate”. This plan highlights six overarching areas and outlines specific strategic goals and actions intended to further advance DOSA’s strategic commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) and direct efforts to the creation of opportunities that enhance student and staff experiences. The six areas of this Inclusive Excellence plan are: A. Integrative and Co-Curricular Learning B. Staff Recruitment and Retention C. Staff Professional Development D. Accessibility E. International Inclusion and Global Education F. Infrastructure and Operational Sustainability The areas and the corresponding strategic goals detailed below were advanced using several data sources which include: the 2022 UVM Student and Staff Campus Climate Survey, UVM annual six-week survey, DOSA assessments and the UVM Strategic enrollment plan. A SMART and RACI framework (Appendix A) was adopted to identify deliverables, assign roles and responsibilities to individual staff, and establish timelines, in an effort to facilitate the integrated implementation and assessment of the plan’s expected outcomes and intended impacts.

Inclusive Excellence Committee/Implementation Team Members

  • Phiona Atuhaire
  • Elliot Ruggles
  • Carly Schneider
  • Amy Boyd Austin
  • Shannon Hodgson
  • Jennifer Phillips
  • Jeff Rettew
  • Perri Schodorf
  • Mimi Sperl
  • Joe Russell

Unit(s) within College, Division, Department or Unit

  • Department: Center for Health & Wellbeing
  • Department: Center for Student Conduct
  • Department: Residential Life
  • Department: Student & Community Relations
  • Department: Student Govt Association
  • Department: Student Life
  • Department: VPSA & Dean of Students Ofc

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