CEMS_Academic Success & CoCurricular Goal_1.1


  • CEMS
  • Academic Success & Co Curricular
  • Academic Success & Co Curricular
  • 1.1

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • CEMS_Academic Success & CoCurricular Goal_1.1

Goal Description

  • Reach parity in retention and 4-year graduation rates for undergraduate students regardless of their identity or college preparation by 2027 (2023 incoming class). Note: Given that only ~ 10% of CEMS student population is BIPoC, statistical variations must be taken into account.

Program Contact

  • Linda Schadler


  • CEM Dean's Ofc

Goal Beginning Year

  • 2023

Goal Ending Year

  • 2027

Goal Status

  • In Progress

Diversity Groups (Social Identity)

  • Gender

  • Race-Ethnicity

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