Demographic Head Count Title

  • OVPR_Demographic Head Count

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • Research


  • Animal Care Management

Program Contact

Demographic Head Count Total

  • 143

Faculty Demographic Head Count

  • Faculty Total Headcount 1

Staff Demographic Head Count

  • Staff Demographic Headcount 142
  • Staff Demographic BIPOC Headcount 20

Graduate Student Demographic Head Count

Undergraduate Student Demographic Head Count

Demographic Head Count Figures

Additional Information

  • Over 94% of employees within the OVPR Unit are Staff with the balance of positions being Management and one Officer of Administration. Most are full-time employees, only 5 are not (4 mid-time, 1 part-time). In 2019 >50% of Research employees identified as female, including at director-level positions, with diverse cultural representation self-identified through a survey of the Research Unit at that time. The 2022 Campus Climate Survey data indicates 57% of OVPR employees identify as female, and many remain in positions at level of director level or higher. We relied solely on Human Resources and UVM OIRA for demographic data and did not conduct any additional interviews or surveys on the many other axes of diversity that employees may bring to our unit. Please note that OVPR is represented as the “Research” Unit through PeopleSoft categorization, though we are the OVPR Unit for the UDC and for the IE Action Plan. Generally, demographic data helps us to understand possible perspectives and viewpoints that are missing from our collective table. Greater cultural awareness and focus on DEI also supports successful recruitment and retention in a competitive job market, to recruit well qualified, diverse candidates to open positions. There is also a trend of federal funders’ increasing focus on equitable STEM opportunities and inclusion of people from underrepresented communities in research, further supporting the need for the OVPR Unit to grow its DEI capabilities in support of UVM achieving desired research-related outcomes. (See Goal #1) These efforts are also relevant to Goals #4 and #6. OVPR demographic information as of September 2022 is depicted in the following two figures. The OVPR unit is whiter (86.7% white in 2021) than the total UVM employee population (which is only 77% white). The local Burlington community is 82.6% white, not Hispanic or Latinx, and OVPR does not fully represent the immediate local hiring pool; but is a closer representation of Chittenden County as a whole (which is 87.7% white, not Hispanic or Latinx). (Sources:, Diversity has increased in recent years with non-white employee percentages increasing from 7.3% to 13.3% between Fall 2017 to Fall 2021, but not yet reaching parity with the rest of the UVM community, nor the surrounding city (data from UVM OIRA, September 2022).

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