

  • CALS

IE Action Plan Goal Type

  • Campus Climate

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • 6
  • CALS_CampusClimateGoal_6

Goal Description

  • Student Discrimination / Discrimination Observed

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Type Of Program

  • Campus Climate


  • Collegiate

  • Graduate


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Campus Climate Data

·         94.6% report experiencing discrimination never or seldom (mostly never) - overall good BUT   o   6 people reported regular discrimination (1.5%)  o   16 people said occasional discrimination (3.9%)  ·         Much higher percent have observed discriminatory practices  o   Still, majority - 56.7% - said never  o   22 students (5.4%) said regularly  o   53 students (24.9%) said occasionally  ·         Past year, student has witnessed insulting or disparaging remarks on different aspects of diversity.  o   Highest is political affiliation (16.3% said yes regularly, 31% said occasionally - almost half) - n=406  o   Next was gender (7.4% regular / 19% occasionally) - n=405  o   Next socioeconomic status + gender identity and expression  o   But, even for disability, which was one of the lower ones, 9 students reported regularly witnessing insulting/disparaging remarks - takeaway here is that no amount of insulting or disparaging remarks should be acceptable ·         Question very similar to the above - Based on personal experiences and observations, do you believe people are discriminated against at UVM based on…   o   Generally pretty similar, but more people thought people were discriminated against more than from the previous question (what they've witnessed) on markers of disability and race 

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