CESS_Academic Success & CoCurricular 2.2


  • CESS
  • Academic Success & Co Curricular
  • Analysis of Systems
  • Recruitment and Retention
  • Academic Success & Co Curricular
  • Analysis of Systems
  • Recruitment and Retention
  • 2.2

IE Action Plan Goal Overview

  • CESS_Academic Success & CoCurricular 2.2

Goal Description

  • Develop a system to expand student data collection to include additional social identities.

Program Contact

  • Office of Assessment, Data, and Accreditation and Office of Diversity & Community Engagement (in consultation with Office of Institutional Research and Assessment)

Goal Beginning Year

  • 2023

Goal Ending Year

  • 2025

Additional Information

  • Time Frame: Convene working group Fall 2023, report by June 2024 with strategy of next steps for ’24-’25 academic year. entrytest

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